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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sanathana Sastra Vidya

Sanathana Sastra Vidya

What is this Sanathana Sastra Vidya? 

Sanathana is the sanskrit word means ancient. Ancient weapons are more famous in this Martial Arts.
These arts are not only just individual short distance combats but also explains about long distance attacks.

India is very famous for many ancient Martial Arts, only few like Karalipayattu, Kusti, Karrasamu are popular. Even a normal Indian do not know the real martial art of his own territory. Most of the martial arts involve at advance level attacking on the nervous system of the body. This method is called as Marma kala , Varmam, Nokku Varmam etc..
Some Martial arts fail the maximum result when they come to street fight,but in India many martial arts succeed to be useful even in street fights ( sudden  unorganized attacks).
Sikhs with chakrams.jpg
Mid-19th century Nihang turban from Lahore. Cotton over a wicker frame and steel overlaid with gold. "A tall conical turban provided convenient transportation for a number of sharp steel quoits - edged weapons hurled to lethal effect by the practised hand of the Akalis."

Lord Krishna in Mahabharata used the Sudarshana Chakra , very powerful Chakra attacks and re-position itself.This Chakra is mentioned as the great Weapon of this Universe.

The utilisation of this Weapon took more importance in the Sikh Army.

The combats in the Sanathana Sastra Vidya of Sikh Army is so strange looks like a father of modern boxing movements.This martial art is so similar to the techniques of Taichi and Winchun power diversion techniques.